One of the benefits of having a lifestyle of worship is constantly experiencing the power that worship brings to any situation. It can be so emotionally and spiritually enlightening. Worship is our beautiful response to a sovereign God that loves us without conditions. We were created to worship Him.
I don’t know about you, but when I am engaged in worship, I feel so empowered by His presence. I literally feel God holding me. His arms are wrapped around me and He is taking in all of the praises I give Him. The Bible says He “inhabits the praises of His people”. Just think about that for a minute. It is a deep, passionate experience that God desires from us, and He soaks it up like the milk in a Tres Leches cake. Yuuuummmyyyy. I think God says this when we worship Him 😉
Often times Satan will come against our laudation of our Father. It is in his nature to do so. In Luke 10:18 Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall like light from Heaven”. Satan wanted to exalt himself higher than God; receiving the worship that God was due. His punishment was being thrust from heaven. Today, he continues his attempts at stealing God’s praise by creating distractions that shift our focus. Don’t do it! Do not allow the Devil to hinder your worship! He knows of its power.
Worship shifts our focus
Worshipping God takes the focus off of our circumstances and rightly places it on Him. One hundred percent of the time when we worship God through tough situations in life we will experience changes in our moods, perspectives, and most importantly our hearts. I love being engrossed in deep worship. It may not change my circumstance, but it does give me the supernatural strength needed to persevere. God being present in the moment is enough to sustain us and send the enemy defeated.
In May of 2017 I was diagnosed with cancer. It was discovered in my kidney as my doctor was closely following a grapefruit-sized cyst on my pancreas. I have to be honest here. My initial response was to cry. That lasted for about 20 seconds. The Holy Spirit quickly reminded me that God was with me. I responded by continuing to worship Him through prayer and praise everyday and leading worship every Sunday morning at church. I didn’t know what the future would hold for me, but I did know God loved me and deserved to be glorified in this season of my life. I placed my trust in Him and I refused to allow the enemy to cut off my worship to God. He is so worthy of our praise no matter what is going on!
Let Worship Be Your First Response
There are many instances in the Bible that show how powerful worship is. One of my favorite stories is that of King Jehoshaphat. Moabite and Ammonite armies banded together to war against Israel. Jehoshaphat called for a fast and gathered the Israelites before God to present the issue to Him. God told Jehoshaphat (through Jahaziel) that he wouldn’t have to fight. He said, “The battle is not yours, but God’s.” They responded by worshipping God through fasting, prayer, and praise. The following day, the Israelite army went out to face the Ammonites and Moabites. Wait……here’s the best part. King Jehoshaphat appointed worship leaders!!!! When their praise rose to heaven God caused their enemies to turn on each other!!!! God does this for us! He longs to. Sometimes we try to solve issues ourselves, failing and making a mess of things. Our worship is POWERFUL. Make it your first response.
We have a great God that has promised to fight battles for us. Worship is a powerful tool to fight off the enemy’s attempt to steal our joy. I think it is amazing how God can use this thing (worship) that He created for Him to connect with us on a deeper level and in turn He is glorified and we gain peace, joy, and power through Him.
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